English 6
An urgent message to Myanmar
According to what the government of the Union of Myanmar operated on October 10,2550[2007]. I think Union of Myanmar was not cool enough. So it should hear the people and the Buddhas real teaching. Not for the sake of merciness or pitiness but for the sake of right and justice. That is the right and justice to rule. One has to rule the people by the desire of the people not the desire of himself. For Buddha teach about Manhood that means Freedom, Equality and Liberty of man which are the essences of democratic governing. So it has been a hurry case to let the people free and to rule the country by the people themselves by means of democratic devices. For these policies will keep the situation calm down and silent. And the Union of Myanmar and the people of almost Buddhists in Myanmar could expect a good living, a good breath and a good future and could reach a real happiness as well as the people of the other world.With best Wish from Me.
- PanyatharoBhikku/16 october 2550[2007]
A Second Urgent Message to Myanmar
According to tv news in Thailand and all over the world especially BBC in England and VOA in America today; October 31, 2550[2007], everyone sees a long parade of the monks in Union of Myanmar, marching along the road to protest the government of Myanmar about the soldier regime. They want not dictator. But they call for freedom. They want not autocracy. But they want democracy. These news remind us the sad stories in Myanmar last October 10,2550[2007]. For in the day,the government did a heavy sins. A specific source said more than 50 monks were killed which was an unexpected event in Myanmar. For Myanmar has been the land of pagodas or the land of yellow robes where Buddhism has been established firmly. The world has accepted many good things from Buddhism Myanmar. But today Myanmar seems to have a great change. They change from freedom to slavery. From grand expansive to narrow-minded and backward thought. From merciness to cruelty. So it seems the people of the world are being afraid that those monks marching in the street would be harmed, or killed as well as those eliminated in October 10,2550[2007]. Not only the European and American countries but all countries in the world dislike violence. Now the soldier regime in Myanmar is trying to do what would result a bad luck to its own country. For example; The minority groups in the border of Myanmar who are different in race and believes would grow stronger and cause a more trouble to all Myanmar and to its believe in its olden religion. What would reflect a justice conscience from the present ruler? So I would like to beg for peace not violence.To live not to die. The only way is to give the people a new constitution with freedom, liberty and equality. Men in uniform should withdraw. Best Wish from Me.
A Third Urgent Message to Myanmar.
Myanmar Republic today,seen by MRTV-3, Thaicom 2/5, Ch.99-100, seems pleasant with Myanmar sweet dances & songs. It reveals olden cultures with traveling places and lands. For example rivers, mountains, birds and swamps and constructions. And a great sight of BuddhaLandLord has been always an impressive viewpoint from lovely Myanmar. Today they see pagodas everywhere in the land of Myanmar. They see a great Buddha Image and several Buddha images and a green wide forest of Bhodhi trees, anyone ever seen in the world. But what else, the people of the world see from Myanmar TV. today; men in uniform each one armed, seems to oversee every activities of the people eventhough a rural meeting. It reports a little about the meeting of Asian countries. I think this is a sigh of danger in beautiful Myanmar. For the men in uniform have not trusted their own people. And their own people have not trusted in their rulers. For more specific reason, that the people are afraid of the rulers, and the rulers tyrannize the people, this would bring to danger. I think this should be the way out; the men in uniform should reduce the fear in the peoples hearth and take off the uniforms respectively. Nowaday Myanmar gets 4 gold rewards from 24th Asian Game in Thailand, with the super football team of Myanmar to compete with Thailands super one. Who is going to win the gold football reward on tomorrow December 14,2550. Lets cheer both teams with hearth, with spirit of fair play and justice.